понедельник, 28 мая 2012 г.

Masha's questions

1) The rhythm is the beat. It is the most important element in music. It is the gasoline of music. Music can't exist without rthytm because it gives the dinamics of music.
2) the rhythm is associated with our mother heartbeat so maybe it takes roots in this place. By the way, the word rhythm is Greek word.
3) tempo
4) Swing music, or simply swing, is a form of American music that developed in the early 1930s and became a distinctive style by 1935. Swing uses a strong rhythm section of double bass and drums as the anchor for a lead section of brass instruments such as trumpets and trombones, woodwinds including saxophones and clarinets, and sometimes stringed instruments such as violin and guitar, medium to fast tempos, and a "lilting" swing time rhythm.

понедельник, 21 мая 2012 г.


1) Music is a language because people understand the emotions, the feelings on which the music is based on. We know when we should cry or laugh, to think or relax while listening a piece of music without any previous notice.
So in language we feel the same with a help of words, but in music we feel it with a help of notes, rhythm etc.
2) Pentatonic-  is a musical scale with five notes per octave.
3) They are A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H
4)The number of notes are different in cultures.  There are 13 notes in the western scale.
5)Pitch is a perceptual property that allows the ordering of sounds on a frequency-related scale. Pitches are compared as "higher" and "lower" in the sense associated with musical melodies, which require "sound whose frequency is clear and stable enough to be heard as not noise". Pitch is a major auditory attribute of musical tones, along with duration, loudness, and timbre. Высота звука.
6) An interval is a combination of two notes, or the ratio between their frequencies.
Semitone- is the smallest musical interval commonly used in Western tonal music, and it is considered the most dissonant when sounded harmonically.
Whole tone is a musical interval spanning two semitones.
7)The essence of the experiment is that the presenter gives unknown people beads with the numbers of notes. There are 8 notes. People should pull the beads out of the bag. Then, they set them in the order of their turn ans the man plays these notes in this order. This experiment shows us the compatibility of sounds of one octave.
8)The presenter compare music with story-telling because notes are like words. You can set the sounds in any direction, in any combinations like words in the story.
9)Mode generally refers to a type of scale. Mode makes people to feel different the emotions. There are various events when this or that mode is used to: festivals, birthdays, celebrations, holidays etc.
10)The term mode came from the Greek language Лад. Aeolian mode sounds sorrowful and solemn.
11)To sharpen a note is to raise the pitch (sound) by one half step
To flatten a note is to lower the pitch by one half step. This is the same as moving one key to the left on a piano keyboard.
12) Long Lonesam Blues
13)Diatonic is a system, where instruments play together and singers sing together but the sounds have different pitches.
14)A Mode comes from a degree of the major scale. There are 7 Basic Modes, Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian and Lorian, Each one of those has a root note in the major scale. For example, take the C Major scale. Each note, or degree of the C Major scale begins a new mode:
C Ionian
D Dorian
E Phrygian
F Lydian
G Mixolydian
A Aeolian
B Locrian
C Ionian
15) Allegro molto appassionato
12 – 14 minutes
The concerto opens with an almost immediate entry of the solo violin, instead of an orchestral tutti, with the very tune in E minor that gave Mendelssohn no peace.

8 – 9 minutes
The bassoon sustains its B from the final chord of the first movement before moving up a semitone to middle C.

Allegretto non troppo – Allegro molto vivace
6 – 7 minutes
Following the second movement, there is a brief fourteen-bar transitional passage in E minor for solo violin and strings only. This leads into the lively and effervescent finale, the whole of which is in E major and whose opening is marked by a trumpet fanfare. The third movement is in sonata rondo form with an opening theme requiring fast passage work from the soloist.
16) Their music was in Phrygian mode, step by step movements. They are the representatives of "the curse of ninth". The curse of the ninth is a superstition connected with the history of classical music. In essence, it is the belief that a "ninth symphony" is destined to be a composer's last; i.e. that he or she will be "fated" to die after writing it, or before completing a "tenth". To those who give credence to the notion, a composer who produces a ninth symphony has reached a decisive landmark -- and to then embark on a tenth is a challenge to "fate".
17) It was written in Dorian mode. This music is like the music of 16th century. The sound of the mode is associated with the industry which has been in Britain for centuries.
18) African music, modern soul music, Folk music, Klezmer (Blues and spirituals).

понедельник, 30 апреля 2012 г.



Artist: Ivan Aivazovsky
Title: Fishermen and their Families on the Shore of the Bay of Naples
Type: landscape
Date: 1873
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 133.4 x 171.1 cm (52 1/2 x 67 3/8 in.)
Country of origin: Russia
Current location: Museum of Fine Arts in Boston

Aivazovsky is one of my favourite artists. All his works are real masterpieces. He was a Russian marinist, so he is closed to me in two ways: firstly, he is a representative of Russian School of Art, secondly, he painted seas, oceans.
When you look at this picture you feel peace and pacification. To my mind, the artist decided to do this picture is black and white because he wanted a spectator to deep into thought about the life near the sea. I think such colour express much more than colourful pictures. The piture is rather light-coloured, I mean there are more white, grey colours which make it softer. The lines are vague. The sea merges with the sky. It makes the sea interminable. There is a balance of space and objects in the picture and also we see the unity of colours. The sea is calm, so the rhythm of the picture is also calm. The sea is the main object which makes the whole impression of the masterpiece.
I like this picture. I believe that Aivazovsky is one of the popular and modern artist nowadays inspite he is not alive. Geniuses live forever. 

суббота, 21 апреля 2012 г.

James Cameron

1. James Cameron was a bookworm when he was a child. He read science fiction everywhere. I think he wasn't a popular boy at school and he didn't have a lot of friends, maybe just few closed friends who also were deep into study. He was weird in comparison with other students. I believe such people are very interesting but they live in their own world, so it's rather difficult to understant them, their thought.

2.  the 60s was  the time of new inventions, explorations, so it influenced much on James Cameron mind. He was interested in scince fiction and he was always around the science. Nowadays we have also new inventions, and it also change our life. Life has become faster. You don't catch sigh of how your day comes to an end. That's pity. You should always be in harry not to miss all events of the day.

3. Diving and drawing were the most important things for James Cameron when he was young, because he was  very creative and imaginitive. He liked to draw alien world, aliend creatures, robots while there were no such things in the world at that time. He was interested in diving also because of the unusual water creatures, underwater life, plants. He adored it!
As for me, the most important things are languages and music, I can't live without these two items. The first will help me in my career, the second helps me to be in the mental equilibrium.

4. He introduced CG and ILM in these films. They are very significant!

5. James Cameron is fond of these two films. He shot  Thi Titanic because he wanted to dive and see this real sunk ship. To my mind, he likes to imagine more, and after that find some facts, do explorations. For me, to imagine is more closed because I'm also an imaginitive person (:

6. The first lesson is that your team respect you and this fact is more important than money and success from the tram. And the second lesson is that you should not create any limits for yourself, you should do what you want, what you desire, not to fear do impossible things! I agree with him. He is absolutely right.

понедельник, 2 апреля 2012 г.


1)How might allowing cameras inside the U.S. Supreme Court chambers affect news coverage of their cases?What might be the pros and cons of video coverage of Supreme Court cases for both viewers and the Supreme Court?
I believe that allowing cameras inside courts will increase the interest of people, so the judges will have more responsibility when they pass sentence. The disadvantage of allowing cameras is that there can be reiteration of some scenes, so the trial might be longer than it has been.
2)According to CNN's Jeffrey Toobin, what issue regarding President Obama's health care law was discussed yesterday in the U.S. Supreme Court?
They discussed  the Affordable Care Act, which wouldn't go fully into effect until 2014.
3)According to Toobin, how did the judges appear to react to these arguments?What is your opinion about arguments regarding the timing of the hearing?How do you think that supporters and critics of the health care reform law feel about the timing of the hearing?
 They felt that now is the time to deal with the law, now is the time to weigh the constitutionality. I think that they are thinking about right things, changing law, of course, will bring a lot of new problems, but on the other hand, it will solves many previous ones, which is more important nowadays for America.
4)Who is the leader of the Roman Catholic Church?
 Pope Benedict XVI
5)How would you describe the tone of the crowd waiting for Pope Benedict XVI in Mexico?
They were waiting him with hope. They desired to see him and when the Pope went  along the street they were happy and even mad. Crowd had the Vatican flag.
6)According to the report, what message did Pope Benedict XVI include in his sermon?
 I think he told about the freedom of their religion and ways of Catholic live. Also, he wanted to attract the attention of other people to join them to his religion
7) In your view, what is the significance of a religious leader visiting a country?
He wore a sombrero and it was very strange. To my mind, he wanted to show that they are in "Union", so people can trust and rely on him. Also, he spoke on the native language of Mexican people, so it also means that they are closed to each other.
8)What technique does Nelson Dellis use for memorization?
He turns numders into pictures and it helps him to remember their order.
9)What might be the advantages of relying on the memorization technique seen in the program versus other ways of finding information (e.g. Internet searches)?
You develop you mind, the speed of your thought.
10)Would you want to learn the memorization technique featured in the report? Why or why not?
 I think yes, because my memory will be developing and I will be able to learn more words and languages.
11)Do you have any unique methods of memorizing information? Explain.
I consider that if you want to learn many English/French/German etc. words the best to memorize them is using word-cards. When I prepare for exams, I always to it and it works, it helps me to remember all words. Also, it takes little time to learn them, if you have good memory. 

воскресенье, 26 февраля 2012 г.

the seventh.

Unknown words.
Buzzword is a special word which makes an impression on amateurs.
Misconception- someone's misunderstanding of things what are going on.
Veggie- a person who deny eating meat, dairy products.
Eliminate- to put an end to or get rid of; to remove from consideration.
Carbohydrates- any of various neutral compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
Starchy- containing, consisting of, or resembling starch.
Fibre- a thread or a sturcture or object resembling a thread.
Cereal- relating to grain or to the plants that produce it.
Poultry- domesticates birds kept for eggs or meat.
Intake- an opening through which fluid enters and enclosure

the sixth.

Money laundering.
Money laundering is the process of disguising illegal sources of money so that it looks like it came from legal sources. In my opinion, it's not right to earn money in this way. These acts are as serious as robbery. But it is increasing. That's a pity!

пятница, 24 февраля 2012 г.

the fifth.

Внезапное похолодание в Европе.

Количество жертв продолжающегося кратковременного похолодания в Центральной и Восточной части Европы увеличилось до 100. В некоторых странах была вызвана армия, чтобы помочь людям, оказавшимся в ловушке сильного снегопада, и власти установили временные пристанища для бездомных.

Большинство смертей обнаружилось в Польше и на Украине, где 65, преимущественно, бездомных людей умерло от незащищенности от температуры, которая за последнюю неделю опустилась до -35С.
Во многих украинских городах власть установила обогревающие палатки с горячим чаем и едой.
Внешние углевые жаровни были установлены около автобусных остановок в польских городах, а полиция заставляет народ говорить, если они видят людей, которые спят на улице на железнодорожных станциях или на земле, чтобы им предложили кровати в приюте.
Чрезвычайно холодная погода по прогнозам погоды будет продолжаться всю следующую неделю. Возросшая необходимость в газе заставила Украину увеличить свой импорт из России, а Польшу ввести нормирование на некоторые производственные растения, в результате чего страхи дефицита продуктов уйдут.

The death toll from the ongoing cold snap in Central and Eastern Europe has risen to more than 100. In some countries the army has been called out to help people trapped by heavy snowfall and authorities have set up temporary shelters for the homeless.

Most of the deaths have occurred in Poland and Ukraine, where 65 mainly homeless people have died from exposure over the last week as temperatures have fallen to -30C.
In many Ukrainian cities the authorities have erected heated tents with hot tea and food.
Outdoor coal braziers have been placed beside bus stops in Polish cities and the police are urging the public to report sightings of people sleeping rough in train stations or allotments so they can be offered beds in shelters.
The extremely cold weather is forecast to continue for the next week. Rising demand for gas has led Ukraine to increase its imports from Russia, and Poland to introduce rationing to some industrial plants, due to fears that stocks will run out.

the fourth.

I really enjoyed Monday lesson. We used http://www.bbc.co.uk for our work. I have already known this website. I read news, learn grammar, watch different videos, etc. At lesson we learn new words, try to know better our future occupation, I mean we translated articles from English into Russian without any dictionaries. Rather difficult but we coped with it. 

воскресенье, 19 февраля 2012 г.

the third.

Yesterday I read the article about influence of yoga on man body. I was very surprised that many people who had health problems like clubfoot or even cancer became stronger and improve their disease. The news was absolutely mind-boggling!

the second.

Почему зебры полосатые?
Ученые заявили, что они открыли загадку, почему на теле зебр есть черные и белые полосы. Исследование, опубликованное в Журнале Экспериментальной Биологии показало,  что полосатый рисунок делает животных менее привлекательными для насекомых.

Виктория Джилл.

Существует много теорий, чтобы объяснить неповторимые полосы зебры. Ученые предложили, что у каждой зебры свой уникальный рисунок, который позволяет другим животным распознать ее. Или количество черного и белого у обширного стада обеспечивает маскировку, которая защищает от хищников.

Но эта команда начинает тестировать именно эффект,  который создают полоски зебры , вызывающий  многочисленных хищников- кровососущего слепня.

Как часть эксперимента команда кладет модель лошади - одну белую, другую- черную и одну черно-белую в поле с насекомыми.  Когда они собирают насекомых, которые приземлились и прицепились на одну из моделей, они обнаруживают, что модель зебры привлекает меньше всего насекомых.

Исследователи считают, что у зебр был черный предок, который "создал" белые полоски в эволюционной гонке вооружений с насекомым, который становится острым, переносящим болезни, приносящие бедствие большинству лошадиных стад.

воскресенье, 12 февраля 2012 г.

the first.

 I have an Android so this news interests me much. I think Google Chrome is very useful and comfortable browser for phones. I consider that I'll try to install it on my phone. Hope it will work without any problems. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/click_online/9694807.stm